
Get in Touch

Hi, this form is a starting point for all speaking requests.

Please don't hesitate to reach out about your event or request and let me know what you have in mind.

Email me directly at speaking@nancylyons.com with other requests like writing for your publication or joining you on your podcast.

Also, email me if you want to say hi. I like that, too.

Speaker Request Form

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Hi, there.

I’m Nancy, CEO and co-founder of Clockwork and Tempo. I challenge people to say the Big Loud Truth and own their agency.
The truth is this: you have power.

My life changed when I tapped into my own power—not the kind that comes from a title. Even as a CEO, I was holding back. Then I decided not to. I started to show up as vulnerably human, as a bold truth-teller, as me.

Everyone holds back because it’s so easy to do. We let all the stuff in our heads get in the way of creating change, living better lives, and doing good work.

So I’m here to say stop limiting your growth. Stop denying the potential of your impact. I’ll kick you in the pants (if I must) to get you un-stuck from old, cozy habits. I’ve spent years honing my own mindset practices and preaching about using our personal power to be the change we want in all the worlds we inhabit.

I know we can’t change everything, but we can change some things. There’s power in that. We start with ourselves, by shouting the Big Loud Truth.

Let’s get to it. I’ll show you how.


Work Like a Boss: A kick-in-the-pants Guide to Finding (and Using) your Power at Work, is the little book everyone needs to remember the actions, attitudes, and attributes that will make work better, for individuals and everyone around them.

Interactive Project Management: Pixels, People, and Process, a human-centered approach to producing digital products.

Awards & Recognition

  • 100 People to Know from Twin Cities Business
  • Most Admired CEO from Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal
  • Business Owner of the Year from the National Association for Women Business Owners
  • Panelist at the inaugural White House Summit for Working Families in Washington, DC
  • Featured on NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt in the segment titled “Best Place to Work in America”
  • Minnesota Women Business Owners Hall of Fame Inductee